Meet the Author

Martha Lanaghen

Martha Lanaghen has more than 25 years of management experience, with the vast majority of her work focused on customer and student interaction. More recently, Lanaghen was a Vice President of Student Operations at Guild Education, the acclaimed start-up organization that is changing higher education for working adults. Today, Lanaghen is a popular speaker and consultant focusing on helping online and traditional colleges build outstanding student experiences that drive student success, engagement, and, ultimately, successful employment.

Lanaghen and Ann Cross have worked as professionals in the career services field for more than a combined 30 years. In that time, they have consistently heard from employers across the nation that new hires possess academic knowledge and technical expertise but lack emotional intelligence and professionalism skills. For that reason, Cross and Lanaghen have implemented dozens of training programs for colleges, universities, and corporations to teach individuals desired employability skills such as professional communications and behaviors, problem solving, time management, and teamwork.

According to Cross and Lanaghen, the acquisition of these skills improves individuals’ ability to find a job and to keep that position.


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Career & Life Skills