A Step-by-Step Guide to Finding a Good Job in Less Time

Print and digital versions of Getting the Job You Really Want, Seventh Edition

About the Workbook

Author: Michael Farr
© 2021 | 240 pages

This complete curriculum provides the core job search guidance that thousands of schools, colleges, and workforce development programs have used successfully for many years—plus new and enhanced content!

Instruction, worksheets, checklists, and step-by-step activities help individuals:

  • set long-term life and career goals
  • identify skills and qualifications
  • find and research career pathways and occupations
  • define ideal jobs
  • and more

In the online job market of today, it’s not only about finding a job—it’s about being found! This edition of Getting the Job You Really Want has been updated to include tips and examples for how to create a professional online presence, use social networking to reach out to employers and other contacts, and create a resume that is optimized for application tracking software.

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New Features and Key Benefits

New Features and Key Benefits

  • Provides up-to-date guidance on soft skills, etiquette, ethics, personal finance, internet basics, and more.
  • Includes hands-on guidance for using technology in the job search, techniques for networking online and in person, and tips for maintaining flexibility in an ever-changing work world.
  • Offers step-by-step instructions for researching careers on the O*NET database.
  • Showcases examples of how to use an O*NET profile to build a resume, LinkedIn profile, and JIST business networking card.
  • Shares tips for how to get the most out of career websites and job boards.
  • Provides examples of LinkedIn messages to send to personal contacts and employers.
  • Includes strategies and examples for writing an attention-getting resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile.
  • Offers tips for successful phone and video interviews.
Woman working on a laptop in an office

Interactive Workbook Version

Delivered through Paradigm’s cloud-based Cirrus 2.0 platform, the interactive and online version of this workbook gives individuals flexibility to access the content anywhere, anytime, from any device.

Key Features

  • works on PCs, Chromebooks, Macs, and  tablets with an internet connection
  • complies with ADA requirements
  • saves individuals' responses within the platform
  • allows practitioners and administrators to quickly and easily view individuals' responses and progress
  • includes print functionality
[Getting the Job You Really Want] is very helpful to students while building skill sets and interview techniques. Angie Burton, JRA Instructor, Regional KY Works Program

See What Educators Are Saying

I have been using the JIST/Paradigm workbook Getting the Job You Really Want for more than 15 years with the Regional Kentucky Works Program. I can confidently say JIST/Paradigm provides the most accurate, up-to-date resources for job search and resume building. It is very helpful to students while building skill sets and interview techniques. I highly recommend them for anyone looking to improve their job readiness skills.

Angie Burton, JRA Instructor
Regional Kentucky Works Program

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